Sunday 10 January 2016


                A person is always judged by the skills he exhibit. Skills set shows not only your knowledge but also personality. The skills which shows your knowledge is known as "Hard Skills" For example, Your skills to operate a machine, knowledge about coding language and other related skills of your professional field. And the "Soft Skills" shows your personality. For example, how you handle a difficult situation, confidence level, communication skills and so on. The job market looks for both the skills in their employees before hiring one. Hard skills can be achieved through degree and certification. But achieving Soft skills is a personal task. Even if you are taught about soft skills, unless you do not practice it, you cannot attain it.

                  I have seen students who are excellent in their technical field. They have knowledge about their field and are ready to be dedicated to their field. But they lag in soft skills which ultimately leads them to unemployment. Soft skills has become a major part of job industry. We cannot afford to lag in soft skills if we are planning to build a career and excel. 

                  Soft Skills consists of:
                       1. Communication Skills
                       2. Non-verbal Skills
                       3. Listening Skills
                       4. Conflict Management Skills

                 These can be said as the major parts of Soft Skills. But they include various sub parts which will be discussed further. Make Soft skills a part of your daily routine for just one week and you yourself will see the beautiful change in your personality.

                  It is said "Beauty captures the eye but Personality captures the heart". Develop your personality in such a way, that no person can afford to reject you. Exhibiting your knowledge in the right way is essential, may it be in IT field or Marketing field. To excel in your field, you need knowledge, confidence, time management and verbal/ non-verbal skills. Using soft skills in the right way will lead you to success.


  1. simple and easy to understand to everyone...reachable and worthy to all ages.
